When I looked through the viewfinder, this composition worked. When I finished painting, the placement seemed a little off. The problem with doing these 1 hour, alla prima paintings is I don't step back during the process as I do with my larger works. It is hard to see the flaws when you don't step back or check composition in a mirror. I may return to this one to make corrections (something I never do to my daily paintings) because I like the lighting and color combinations. Please visit my blog or website. Thanks.
Fantastic! I really like the "smudge" look, whereby you can 'see' the wax on the apple. It's nice, and the squarness of the apple adds a creative touch. Too often people try to make their apples round, but this one looks fabulous.
Keep the art coming.
Out of curiousity, do you sell any of your works? What are their dimensions?
How do you render them on screen?
Wow, I had no idea you actually used a camera outside to get these on screen. It looks so unbelievably flawless... I'd never have guessed. I wouldn't be looking to buy art probably for about 3-5 years, but I was just curious about your price in case I wanted to come back then. I trust that your blog will still be up then... But I'll keep visiting... and keep complementing, methinks.
Like I said, this is awesome artwork, and I really LOVE the titles that you give to your pieces! They're kind of witty, but really ingenious at the same time!
Jeff (formerly J.)
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